The Western Traditions Podcast

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If you have questions, ideas or criticism about the podcast, please feel free to contact me at my personal email:

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We would love to hear your questions, comments, topic suggestions, and criticism, and will endeavor to respond to everything we get. We are particularly interested in hearing from specialists who might like to contribute an interview: please mention your specialist subject, and feel free to suggest an episode topic.

New to Western Traditions Podcast?

Listen to our introduction podcast to help you understand who we are and what we offer!

An introduction to the podcast, discussing briefly what we mean by ‘western esotericism’. This episode also answers the burning question, ‘What’s so “secret” about The Secret History of Western Esotericism Podcast?’ and features a short quiz to test your knowledge of western esoteric history.

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The Western Traditions podcast is able to continue bringing quality and historically accurate content to our audience with the support of our users. Reach out today to support us